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Volunteer with us

Volunteering with Cutteslowe Greenhouse

The Cutteslowe Greenhouse project is volunteer-run so there is plenty of scope to get involved. Currently, you can join through:

  • Coming to one of the monthly Community Orchard work parties, when we do weeding, clearing, repairing, and other similar jobs to maintain the young orchard near the Cutteslowe allotments. We're always looking for more volunteers, both those with experience of growing fruit trees and bushes, and those who are enthusiastic about learning new skills and helping out.

  • Helping organise and run a monthly Community Lunch event at the bowls pavilion in Cutteslowe Park. These require anything from 5 to 20 people to run, with jobs including picking up food from the Oxford Food Hub, prepping and cooking the food, decorating the space, welcoming people, and running or supporting crafts activities.

  • General events support - organising, comms, and other ad hoc tasks needed to make events happen.

Interested? Please sign up using this form and we'll be in touch to give you more details.

There's also an opportunity to join the steering group - we currently have space for one more person to join the steering group. We're particularly looking for someone with business experience, especially veg and plant growing. If you're interested in this opportunity, please drop us an email.

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